Giselle Onofre
Mechanical Engineering Lab 2018

Skills: Machining, CAD Modeling

At Rowan University, I took a practicum course called ME lab where one of our core projects was to create a multitool. I was given the dimensions for the tool and were instructed to make a SolidWorks model and part drawings for the tool. Using my drawings, I utilized a lathe, mill, waterjet, and arbor press, to fabricate my multitool.
MultiTool Render
SolidWorks Modeling & Assembly
The multitool was one of my first introductions to SolidWorks. Within this course, I learned the best methods of creating parts and assemblies in SolidWorks. Using those lessons, I was easily able to create my multitool in SolidWorks. It consists of three dowel pins, a yellow handle, a screwdriver bit, a bit holder, a magnet, and a wrench.
wrench drawing
handle drawing
holder drawing
SolidWorks Drawings
After completing my SolidWorks parts, I made drawings for the parts that I would later fabricate. These included the wrench, the holder, and the handle. The main goal of this was to understand 3 view diagrams as well as how to tolerance a part. This gave me an idea of the accuracy that each machine would be able to achieve and the time it would require to achieve a desired tolerance.
Flower Render
Machining the Multitool
The final result of my machining project was pretty successful I'd say. It was definitely a new learning experience for me. Most other students had some experience with machine shops and woodworking machines at their high schools so it was daunting for me especially to use a lathe, and mill for the first time. This project was a great introduction however and it gave a me not only familiarity with the machines but also helped me hone my machining skills for future projects.